
OnePlan is full of innovative ways to save on time, money & human error, with this in mind OnePlan endeavours to continue helping care providers in all aspects of Care Management

Save on Time

Save time on Rostering by templating services to save having to assign staff to services week after week after week

Save time training new staff on a complicated software, minimise new users OnePlan login screen to have minimal visibility or control, then add new features and icons for new staff to benefit from as & when relevant


Save on Money

Make use of OnePlans simple to use layout. Saving time on editing & maintaining a live rota

Save on paying unnecessary hours, keep track of handed back services from contracted staff to potentially save thousands per annum


Save on Human Error

Save running invoices or wages on incomplete services, view all services prior to running finances to ensure all service data matched

Utilize a comprehensive Change Log, tracking actions completed by Staff

Minimise Staff access to only features they require. This removes unnecessary Icons & Data from fields of view


Save Lives

Several methods to ensure Staff stay the full duration, don’t forget to manage Meds or Tasks

Field Staff can use Welfare Checks to ensure the right procedures have been followed for Doorstop Cancellations

Real Time alerts to mobiles on any Late or Missed services

Lock down mobile applications till a important message is read
